Terms and Conditions

1. Eligibility Criteria

Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood specialise in supporting people living with Spinal Cord Injury and other similar physical and neurological disabilities. The following criteria must be met to use the service:
  • Your needs meet the primary purpose of Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood.

  • Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood does not have oxygen onsite. If you use an Oxygen Concentrator, you must bring it with you while engaging our services.

  • Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood cannot support you if you have significant behaviours of
    concerns or addictions that may affect the quiet enjoyment of other clients.

  • The staff at Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood are trained to support people with Spinal Cord Injuries and other similar physical and neurological disabilities. If your therapy or support requirements are complex and likely to exceed the staff’s skill set, you understand that you will be referred to a more appropriate provider or may be asked to bring your own support team.

  • Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood does not have a doctor or nurse on-site, the staff cannot manage complex medical events. An ambulance will be called for if you require medical attention; you will be responsible for any costs incurred in transport (including equipment) to and from the hospital.

2. Making an appointment

2.1 Get in touch via our online form, phone or email.
Our admin team will book you an initial appointment with the appropriate treating therapist.

3. Initial Appointment

3.1 New Client Registration Form
You will be asked to fill out a Client Registration Form before your first appointment. You must provide all information necessary to assist our staff in establishing your support and therapy needs. This information will be collected via an online form which you will be sent via email/text message. If you require support to fill out the form, we encourage you to bring a support person to assist at your first appointment. If you are unable to bring a support person, our staff can assist you in filling out the form.

By completing this Client Registration Form, you are entering into a Service Agreement with Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood. If you need a Schedule of Supports, it will be provided separately from this form.

3.2 Consent
You must complete the consent section of the Client Registration Form.
You will need to agree to the terms and conditions set out here.
You will need to confirm your eligibility by acknowledging that you meet the terms of the eligibility criteria.
You will agree to be responsible for payment of service or support/s rendered including the initial assessment, and late-notice cancellations.

3.3 Initial assessment
Includes (but not limited to) goal planning, baseline measures and a review of available services. Please note that during this assessment it may be decided that we are unable to provide the ongoing support that you require. If this is the case, we will make a referral to a more appropriate service provider.

3.4 Schedule of Support
For NDIA and plan-managed NDIS participants, a Schedule of Support will be created at the end of your initial appointment which will form part of your Service Agreement.

The supports that you and Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood have agreed to and their rates are set out in the Schedule of Supports.
Prices are subject to change, and prices will automatically be amended in accordance with the NDIS Act 2013 and NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.
In consultation with you, the Schedule of Supports must be updated after each plan review or change to circumstances.

4. Group Classes/Programs of Support

Our group classes require a term commitment.

A fee will be charged whether or not you attend your class as long as we have the capacity to deliver the class. Term-based classes, or programs of support, are not subject to the short-notice cancellation rules as per NDIS guidelines.

If you are privately paying for your classes a pre-payment will be required at the start of the term. You will not be charged for classes that fall on a public holiday. An invoice will be issued at the end of the term, and if requested, a letter outlining your class dates so you can claim with your private health fund. There are no refunds for missed classes.

For NDIS and other insurers, a claim will be made weekly.

The class times on the website outline the face-to-face time that you can expect with your treating therapist. Included in your fee is a small amount of time for non-face-to-face tasks such as client

If you require extra support in the class we will discuss with you having an allied health assistant support you 1:1 throughout the class at an additional fee.

Depending on the location of your class you may be charged a small therapist travel fee in addition to the class fee.

5. Medical Clearance

As part of the New Client Registration Form, we ask questions regarding your medical history. Here we ask you to detail any action plan regarding your health management e.g. Diabetes, Epilepsy or anaphylactic action plans.

Medical clearance from your treating doctor or specialist is not initially required for attending your first appointment with a primary healthcare practitioner. However, based on your medical history
and the assessment conducted during your initial appointment, your therapist may recommend that you obtain medical clearance before your next appointment or before your membership start date. This is to ensure that any potential medical concerns are addressed, and appropriate precautions are taken to ensure your safety during treatment or membership. With your consent, your treating therapist may communicate directly with your referring GP about your progress.

6. Appointment Confirmation 

A confirmation text will be sent to you 72 hours before your appointment. This allows you to confirm or reschedule your appointment before the cancellation fee applies.

7. Progress Reviews

7.1 At a minimum, every 12 weeks our therapist will conduct a 2-hour assessment completing outcome measures and goal reviews. Your 2-hour assessment will include 1 hour face-to-face with your therapist completing outcome measures and 1 hour for the development of a summary report that can be shared with your treating team.

8. Reports

8.1 Reports are billed at the same rate as therapy.

8.2 Reports to be provided at end of service, or on request for a planning review. If for a planning review, 4 weeks’ notice is required for summary completion.

8.3 Therapists will discuss their recommendations for further intervention (such as ongoing reviews) and a new schedule of supports/quote will be developed, as part of our summary report.

9. Transport

0.1 Transport is charged at the same rate as therapy.

9.2 If therapists travel to another community appointment, we will not be charging return travel.

10. Rates & Charges for services

10.1 Rates and charges are available on request or via schedule of support.

10.2 The prices quoted to you are based upon the information you have provided, and the assessment of your support needs made by the Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff, in consultation with you. All services delivered are specifically designed to meet your needs. Quoted rates are inclusive of all compulsory government or regulatory charges and taxes (for example GST) where applicable

10.3 Prices are subject to change, and prices will automatically be amended in accordance with the NDIS Act 2013 and NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. Prices may vary based on your insurer.

11. Fee Payment

You are personally responsible for paying all fees for services rendered. Should fees exceed funding allocation or engage services outside of approved funding, you will be personally responsible for payment of the account

12. Funder Approval

It is your responsibility to seek funding approvals from your insurer. Staff can assist in providing reports/forms required for the approval process. You are liable for any costs of services provided that the funder will not meet.

13. Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood Membership

13.1 Inclusions and exclusions:
  • Access to gymnasium (sessions must be pre-booked with reception).
  • Opening times:
    8 am -5 pm Monday to Friday
    Closed on Public Holidays

  • Access to all facilities on Level 1 of the hotel. This includes a multi-rec room, accessible bathroom, kitchenette with microwave and Level 1 outdoor balcony. 

  • Social events organised for Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood members.

  • Access to the functional electrical stim component of the Motomed is not included in the Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood memberships. Sessions with a therapist must be booked to use this function.
13.2 Initial assessment
Prior to accessing a membership, you must first have an initial assessment completed with a therapist. Part of this assessment will be the demonstration of how to use all the equipment safely.

13.3 Membership start date
Your membership starts on the day we receive payment for your membership (‘Membership Start Date’).

13.4 Transferring of membership
You cannot transfer your membership to another person.

13.5 Freezing your membership
Members can freeze their membership for up to 3 months for travel or medical reasons, but we must be reasonably satisfied by your supporting documents.

13.6 Age Restrictions
You must be 16 years of age or older to access a membership at Royal Rehab LifeWorks Sargood. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

13.7 Membership Cancellations
  • There are no refunds on cancelled memberships.

  • We may cancel your membership immediately by emailing you or writing to you at any of the most recent contact addresses you have provided to us, or by handing you such notice in person if:

    • you commit a serious or repeated breach of the terms and conditions.
    • you otherwise breach this agreement, and the breach is not remedied within 14 days of us giving you notice to do so and notifying you that your membership will be cancelled if you fail to do so.
    • any part of your membership fees, or any charges we incur for non or late payment of your fees, remains unpaid 28 days after falling due.
    • you provide us with details that you know to be false when applying for membership, and these false details may reasonably have affected our decision to grant you membership.
    • If you have significant behaviours of concern that may affect other Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood clients and staff.

  • your therapy requirements exceed our staff skill set.

14. Support Workers and carers

Support workers can accompany you onsite to assist with sessions at no extra cost. All support workers and carers must sign in and out at reception when onsite at Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood.

15. Other therapists, case managers, support coordinators and equipment suppliers

No other therapists can treat/train/support you onsite at Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood unless invited by a Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff member. Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood have the right to ask to see insurance certificates and appropriate evidence of competency at any time.

16. Equipment Use

You may use our specialised equipment as part of your chosen services.
There may be charges attached to the use of certain pieces of equipment. If there are charges, they will be clearly outlined in a quote or schedule of support. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you also agree to the following equipment use agreement:

  • Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood reserves the right to deny a request to use or hire equipment.

  • Equipment will always be used in the presence of a Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff member.

  • A register of equipment use will be maintained by Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood.

  • Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood will provide instruction and ensure that you are competent before using the equipment.

  • You must follow all instructions given to you by Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff in regards to the safe use of the equipment.

  • Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood is responsible for the general maintenance of all equipment.

  • Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood will undertake an inspection of equipment before, and post equipment use.

  • In the event you damage equipment, found to be as the result of vandalism or improper use, you must pay for any repairs or replacements. Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood will provide you with details of the findings and the costs for repair or replacement of the equipment. If the cost of repair or replacement is greater than the insurance excess (minimum $5000), you will be asked to pay the excess amount.

17. Risk Warning and Liability Waiver

Potential risks will be discussed with you before administering treatment or delivering services. You may withdraw your consent to treatment and/or service at any time or request further information or treatment options.

Potential risks associated with engaging in activities and treatment, include risks of physical injury, accident, sickness, death, inconvenience or damage to personal property.

To review the full risk assessments completed by Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood, please speak to management.
By acknowledging that you agree to our terms and conditions, you are agreeing that:
  • You have read the above risk warning; and

  • You release us, our agents and servants, and all other parties associated with organising activities from any responsibility or legal liability associated with your presence at participation, whether at Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood or at another location. To the extent that the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) applies this release is limited to responsibility and legal liability for death or personal injury and does not apply to significant personal injury caused by reckless conduct by us.

18. Changes to Service Agreement

If changes to the services and support/s or their delivery are required, we agree to give 14 days’ written notice. We both agree to discuss and review the Service Agreement. We both agree that any changes to the Service Agreement will be in writing, signed, and dated.

19. Ending a Service Agreement

Should either party wish to end the Service Agreement they must give reasonable notice. Payment for services and support/s is required during this notice period.

If either party seriously breaches this Service Agreement, the requirement of notice will be waived.

20. Cancellation policy 

If less than two (2) clear business days’ notice is given to cancel an appointment, 100% of the total fee must be paid. There is no charge if more notice of cancellation is given.
Term-based classes, or programs of support, are not subject to the short-notice cancellation rules as per NDIS guidelines. A fee will be charged whether or not you attend your class as long as we have the capacity to deliver the class.
If a decision to cancel an appointment is made due to weather concerns no fee will be charged. Cancelling an appointment due to weather is a decision of Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood Management only.

21. Use of Facilities

21.1 Clinic
Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood opening hours are:
8:00 am – 5:00pm | Monday – Friday
Please note Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood is closed on all Public Holidays.
21.2 Level 1 Facilities
You are welcome to use facilities on Level 1 of Sargood on Collaroy including an accessible bathroom with shower facilities and kitchenette.

22. Smoking and Vaping

Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood is committed to providing clients and staff with a 100% smoke and vape free environment. Please assist us in providing a safe and healthy environment by refraining from smoking or vaping in all areas of Sargood on Collaroy and its grounds. Please also refrain from smoking or vaping within 4 metres of all entry doors. NSW Fire Brigades fine for setting off the fire alarm is approximately $2500. Northern Beaches Council has made smoking on the beach or within 10m of the children’s playground, a finable offence.

23. Assistance Animals

Before your assistance animal is allowed onsite at Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood you must adhere to the terms below:
  • Provide proof of accreditation (must have a medallion on their collar with the registration number and/or the owner must also carry a laminated pass).

  • Assistance animals are required to be harnessed and wearing their bibs in all public areas within Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood.

  • Assistance animals must not urinate or defecate anywhere inside the building. They must be taken outside, and all faeces removed and placed in a rubbish bin after being sealed in a plastic bag.

  • Assistance animals must not cause harm to another person, animal or property.

  • Assistance animals must not disturb other clients or guests by causing noise such as barking or scratching.

  • Assistance animals must not sleep on beds, plinths, couches or furniture.
It is unlawful to impose a charge on a person to enter a place open to, or used by the public, only because the person is accompanied by an assistance animal, unless:
  • the owner, or person in charge, of the place reasonably incurs additional expense because the animal is present. In this circumstance, it is reasonable to charge compensation for the expense. This means any cost incurred by Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood as a result of additional cleaning, property replacement or any other damages caused physically or to our reputation, due to this policy not being adhered to, will be passed onto the person with the
    accompanying assistance animal.

24. Parking

Street parking is usually available nearby, but we cannot promise that this will be the case. You park your car at your own risk. Parking underneath the facility is prioritised for Sargood on Collaroy Guests. The spaces may be used by you if available on the day.

25. Advocacy

Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood acknowledges and respects the role of people who act as an independent advocate for you; including families, friends, guardians, and financial managers when they take on that role. Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood actively encourages you and your families to engage with independent advocacy services but will equally respect the right for you to choose your advocate and to change your independent advocate at any time during service provision.
A full list of advocacy services can be found here, ADVOCACY SERVICES or you can search DISABILITY ADVOCACY FINDER

26. Language Services

Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood is committed to communicating with all guests using the language, mode of communication and terms that the guest is most likely to understand. Interpreter services are available when requested in the New Client Registration Form
With consent, we are happy to communicate directly with an advocate, case manager, support coordinator, family member or alike.

27. Code of Conduct

Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood Responsibilities
We will:
  • Provide services and support/s which are consistent with all relevant laws, industrial awards and agreements, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and the Australian Consumer Law

  • Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood maintains insurance for public liability/risk and medical malpractice to the value of $50,000,000.

  • Maintain our accreditation with NDIS and ACIS.

  • Listen to you and learn about what you want and need and support you to make decisions and choices.

  • Provide the best available services and support/s appropriate to your needs, including consulting with you on decisions about how services and support/s are provided.

  • Engage others who are important to you (as you wish), and together we will support you to achieve the goals and aspirations you identify.

  • Obtain consent before commencing services and support/s.

  • Provide services and support/s that meet your needs, once agreed upon.

  • Regularly review the provision of services and support/s with you.

  • Communicate openly, honestly and promptly.

  • Treat you with courtesy, dignity, and respect.

  • Treat personal information in a confidential manner and protect your privacy.

  • Keep current and accurate records of services and support/s provided.

  • Provide you with information about managing any complaints or disagreements.

  • Listen to your feedback and resolve problems quickly.

  • Give you notice if we must change or cancel a scheduled appointment to provide services and support/s. Where possible, another appointment will be scheduled to a time that is suitable to you.

  • Give you notice if we need to end a Service Agreement or cancel a booking.

  • Provide staff with adequate training to meet your service requests and requirements.

  • Inform you of our role in teaching and training students/new staff members and will ask for your consent when it is proposed that a student/ new staff member be involved in your services and support/s.

  • Issue regular invoices and statements of the services and support/s delivered.
Your responsibilities
You will:
  • Inform Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood of how you wish the services and support/s to be delivered.

  • Treat Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff and other clients with courtesy and respect.

  • Work with Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood to put your plan into action; this may include recommendations from your support team.

  • Ask questions if you are unsure about the services and support/s being provided or if you have any concerns.

  • Pay any fees associated with your services and support/s promptly (you will be advised of these before the services and support/s commence).

  • Give Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood reasonable notice that is in line with our Cancellation Policy and Procedures, if you need to end a Service Level Agreement or cancel a booking.

  • If applicable, let Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood know immediately if your NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan or if you stop being a participant in the NDIS.

  • Allow Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood, at the commencement of services and support/s, to work with you to identify any risks that may affect staff, others or you, and to cooperate with all reasonable actions to minimise negative risk and enhance positive opportunities.

  • Not make excessive noise that is disruptive to staff or other clients.

  • Will not use abusive language or actions.

  • Follow staff direction, including adhering to responsible service of alcohol if attending an event at Sargood on Collaroy

  • Under no circumstances use of or be in possession of illicit substances.

  • Be aware that wilful property damage will incur full costs of repair, replacement, cleaning and staff time.

28. Your privacy

28.1 Royal Rehab Group including the services we manage such as Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood, is committed to protecting the personal information we collect. We recognise that your privacy is important and, bound by National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act), consider the protection of your confidential information paramount and will not disclose the information except as authorised by the entity providing it, by legal obligation or as contemplated by this policy. We may vary this policy from time to time.

28.2 Our Privacy Policy outlines the type of personal information we may collect, how that information may be used or disclosed and the measures we take to comply with the Privacy Act.

28.3 Our full Privacy Policy can be found on our website, Privacy Policy.

29. Open Disclosure

Open disclosure is a process that involves communication with clients and their families if something goes wrong that has, or could have caused harm.
The goal is to promote transparency, honesty, and trust between Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff and clients.
Clients should feel supported and well-informed, even in challenging situations.
Principles of Open Disclosure include:
  • Immediate Actions – Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff are to take immediate actions to address the health and safety of a client or guest.

  • Acknowledgement and Apology – Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff will acknowledge when something goes wrong and will offer a sincere apology.

  • Open and Timely Communication – Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff will have an open and transparent conversation about what has happened and the impact of the adverse event on the client and their family.

  • Clients and guests have the right to access an advocate during these discussions. An advocate is a person who can provide support or work on your behalf to represent your wishes.

  • Identify and Implement System Improvements – Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood staff will draw on learnings and drive quality improvement initiatives. This may involve reviewing and revising protocols, procedures, and training to prevent similar events in the future.

30. Physical Contact

Physical contact will likely be necessary during examination, assessment, treatment and support. You may withdraw your consent at any time and any physical contact will cease immediately. Please inform your therapist if anything can be done to assist your comfort, or if you have any concerns.

31. Media Consent

Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood, from time to time, would like to share our guests’ experiences to show what is possible at Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood and to encourage others in a similar situation to visit. We would share these images using various media, including but not limited to social media and print, only with your consent. Media consent is either gained in the consent section of the New Client Registration form or by signing a Media Consent Form.

32. Feedback, Suggestions, Compliments and Complaints

32.1 Procedure for Receiving Compliments

32.1.1 Compliments are welcomed are usually received:
  • in person,

  • over the telephone,

  • in writing,

  • as part of our feedback form found on our website

  • through the feedback app located at the reception
32.1.2 Compliments are shared at staff meetings.

32.2 Procedure for receiving formal and non-formal complaints

32.2.1 Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood welcomes complaints; they are considered valuable feedback for the service to continually improve and develop.

32.2.2 Clients, visitors and their families, advocates and substitute/supported decision-makers, have a right to raise complaints regarding the services, and to have their complaints dealt with promptly and in a positive way.

32.2.3 Clients, visitors and their families, advocates and substitute decision-makers who make a complaint are valued and should not fear retribution.

32.2.4 Complaints are welcomed are usually received:
  • in person,

  • over the telephone,

  • in writing,

  • as part of our feedback form found on our website

  • through the feedback app located at the reception
32.2.5 Staff at all levels must accept complaints and know what action they can take to resolve them.

32.2.6 All complaints are to be forwarded to the relevant manager, who will be known as the Investigating Manager.

32.2.7 Complaints are referred to the next level of management when the matter is outside delegation or is unresolved.

32.2.8 Informal complaints or simple matters of concern should be dealt with by the site staff involved where possible, with support from the manager.
However, for more serious matters or those with broader implications for Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood and the organisation, the General Manager will notify the Quality, Risk and Compliance Manager, and relevant members of the Executive to participate in the resolution.

32.2.9 In cases where the complainant does not feel comfortable making a complaint to those directly delivering the service, the appropriate manager should be notified to speak to the complainant.

32.2.10 In cases where the complainant does not feel comfortable making a complaint to the manager, complaints can be made to the Royal Rehab Quality and Risk Manager via feedback@royalrehab.com.au.

32.2.11 If responses from the Sargood General Manager or Royal Rehab are not considered adequate by the complainant, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission can be contacted by calling 1800 035 544 or visiting www.ndiscommission.gov.au.

33. Your Contact Details and Ours

Your Contact Details:
You must let us know of any change in your contact details by sending an email rrlw.sargood@royalrehab.com.au. If you do not update your contact details when they have changed, notice given by us to the email or other address we have on our records for you will be valid notice to you under these Terms.

Our Contact Details:
Any written notice or completed form that you need to provide under this Agreement must be sent by email to rrlw.sargood@royalrehab.com.au. or sent by post to, or handed to a Royal Rehab LifeWorks at Sargood Staff, 1 Brissenden Ave, Collaroy NSW 2097. Only notices delivered to us in one of these ways will be valid notice under this Agreement.

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Terms and Conditions